Various technologies exist for the production of Gas Hot Water . We thus distinguish: micro and mini-accumulation, accumulation and instantaneous. To choose the one that best suits your accommodation, several parameters should be taken into account. The boiler and domestic hot water production You can opt for a simple boiler that does not produce hot water. In this case, another system will produce the hot water for your home (electric water heater). However, you can choose a boiler that will also produce domestic hot water, it is then a mixed boiler. Thus, the boilers installed are mainly systems ensuring the production of hot water. The 4 modes of domestic hot water production The production of hot water with a gas boiler in your home therefore works in 4 main modes. These belong to different price ranges. Here is a classification ranging from the least expensive to the most expensive and thus from the least comfortable to the most comfortable. 1- Instant hot water production In...