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Showing posts from February, 2021

Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Cells and Solar Energy

What is solar energy? Energy extracted from the sun's rays is called solar energy. Solar energy includes both solar-produced heat and electricity. Aztech solar Electricity from the sun can be divided into solar and solar power. Solar is called the electricity you can produce yourself with the help of solar cells, and solar power is called the electricity that you buy through an electricity company. The sun is a renewable energy source, which means that the energy source does not run out, unlike coal, oil and natural gas. How does solar energy work? You can produce electricity yourself with the help of solar cells. If you do not want to produce yourself, you can sign an electricity contract with solar power . Then it is a solar park that captures the sun's rays and converts it into electricity. On our pages about solar cells and solar power , you can read more about how it works, how to buy solar cells and how to sign an agreement with solar power. Solar panels instead convert ...